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Behind the scenes of Early Model 1

Emotion AI Model

Speech to text Understanding


  • Detects real-time emotions and facial expressions in the video demo - to be for live feed camera on your computer

  • Classifies faces into emotions like happiness or sadness using advanced models.

  • Displays emotion labels and confidence scores for each detected face.

  • Smart enough to understand how you're feeling from your emotional speech

  • We've simplified how it learns emotions to get better at recognizing them.

  • This helps give advice and support that fits into the categories of facing Anxiety, Stress and Depression


End Goal !!

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Our Timeline of development

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Nov 2023

Starting of Wizard-Tech

With a founder's dream to change the World, Wizard-Tech was officially born with the goal of providing Life-changing technology in the Palm of One person's hand, no matter the location, status and wealth of a person.

Dec 2023

Building a World Class Team

Joining forces with Llewelyn Knight (USA) and Conrad Takeshi (Norway), on a mission to improve the future of AI for Mental Health, hence began development for the Early Model 1. 

Feb 2024

Building the Emotion AI Model

With months of Hard work and efforts to compile the Emotion detection Model, here came the completion of the first step to a complex project. 

April 2024

Scaling a Hardworking Team

From there on, we have scaled to 6 developers, 3 expert Therapists/Psychologists and a small marketing team!  

Many more to come!

Visit us again to see changes to our timeline

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